It's the whole concept of 'taking a day off', and the awareness that came after a spiritual opening many years ago, that from that moment on I would never have a 'day off' again. The only intention was to stay wake to that awareness, to serve it, to share it, to be it!!! No time off, no day off!! Eghads!
I remember feeling that this was horrible news to the ego, and wildly wonderful news to the soul.
Once we truly have a day on, in the highest sense of the term, it will be difficult to have a day off. Once you find why you are here, once you tap into your true love and joy, your mission of service, you will not need to try to escape from work with days off. This is because work will no longer be work, work will be joy, work will be bliss. So, it would then be like trying to take a day off from joy and bliss.
Work will no longer involve a personality self punching a time clock, in order to make money to pay bills. It will involve dimensions of yourself that came with specific tasks and gifts to share with the world.
You will become aware of everything that comes into your field of vision. The whole world will begin to speak to you in riddles and rhymes, and sometimes directly to your heart. It won't be as easy to pretend that you don't see what you see. Or pretend to feel what you don't feel. You won't be able to act like you are not here for a divine purpose.
Taking a day off from this context would become meaningless in a sense. What would it mean then? It would mean ignoring your soul's guidance for a day? Not wanting to do your practice or work which brings you joy? Disconnect from your purpose? Would taking a day off mean sinking into a state of illusion and fear and negativity again?
Once you discover your true Self it seems you will never want a day off again. There will be no separation from your work life from your personal life from your life life. There is no separation between your work life and your life life- and in Truth no personal life- all of this is discovered in a moment of clarity and awakening of the soul. So, it's not so much that all of this will change in the universal fabric.... nothing will change in the Universe, in the Universe there is no such thing as a day off, or for that matter a day on, you will just become aware of what has always been.
This is not to say rest and relaxation will no longer be required, but in an awakened state of awareness rest and relaxation are a given. Exercise, fresh air, good nutritious food~ one gravitates towards these things even more when one is taking a 'day on'... when one is awake this is a great place to be and taking care of the body would probably become a much higher priority for the sake of having a temple to live in, love from, and share with!!
What you will be aware of is how important it is to stay awake. As the mystic poet Rumi said, "Don't go back to sleep." Even in your physical sleep you will find yourself more awake, more active and having a day on, rather that falling back asleep, caught in the illusion of a projected state of awareness of limiting beliefs, creating nightmares for yourself, constantly trying to take a day off. Who of us would want a day off from heaven, joy, bliss, beauty, love, freedom, wonder and peace?
There's something that has been so deeply ingrained into our collective consciousness that work is hard or boring or something that just pays the bills, and the more time we can get off from this work, the better. Not to say that there are aspects of things here that you would not like to do- but- why would you create things for yourself to do that you don't enjoy doing? Even in this there is a quality of our eternal soul or a deeper awareness that is attempting to emerge in our consciousness. Trying to avoid things, we end up avoiding Life, Love, Beauty, Joy. Trying to find ways to have more days off, or, live in a state of mind looking forward to our 'days off' we completely miss all of the opportunities for Grace and Enthusiasm and Fun our days on!!
There is a warning here, though. Once you feel the freedom of life running through your soul, once you touch the space of grace within you and begin to walk through life in days on.... no more looking for days off.... you will no longer be satisfied with days off... you will only desire days on, only want to share, only want to love..... and everything in you that is not of those vibrations, all of those parts within looking for days off will surface to be healed... then, you really won't want to take a day off... you'll want to work to consistently and consciously clear all of that stuff out so you can get back to a day on again!! Recognizing of course, in Reality, there are no days off, ever. Not really :)