To he that practices perfect inaction, to him all things are possible.
And, for the feminine gendered:
To she that practices perfect inaction, to her all things are possible.
And, for a neutral, omnipresent version:
To one who practices perfect inaction, to them all things are possible.
However it is quoted, the meaning is the same. And yet, the meaning isn't as obvious as one might first assume. I once posted this quote as my facebook status and received a comment that read something to the effect, "Yes, I have the day off, I can practice perfect inaction today too."
I remembered we really need a day off to practice inaction? Or, for that matter to practice at all? It's usually we get the most practice on a 'day on' rather than a 'day off'. To stay present to the moment in the midst of our daily activities, and especially in stressful situations. This is the real practice. After an awakening point many years ago I remember reflecting afterward with simultaneous joy as well as undeserved loss that I would never have a 'day off' again.
As we can probably gather by now, perfect inaction isn't practicing being perfectly still at the level of form. It's not plopping down in front of the TV with a carton of bon-bon's, either. How I see it, perfect inaction is allowing the flow of divine energy, with neither resistance to, or forced expression, of. It is not a response impeded by the conditioned mind, limited patterns of the past, the ego, the personality or false self. It is an effortless beingness without the intrusion of consideration from that limited sense of self, or from the unconscious manifestation of limited patterns. You could say living perfect inaction is not human, or, you could say it is the ultimate human. However you say it, you might discover, it is beyond description using words and thoughts alone since it is not encumbered by these tools of communication or creation. It is not something that can be learned, but can only come from the unlearning of untruths- about oneself and about life. It is the natural and organic. It is the true song of one's soul, the song that does not need to be literally sung to be heard and appreciated.
There have always been tendencies in spiritual traditions to use God, or Gods, to create change, and from this awareness the word create can be used interchangeably with force. Even though creating positive changes- either through focused prayer or vision boards- are not at all a bad practices, it would be helpful to be acknowledged that they are not on the same vibrational level of Thy will be done. They are in a level of personal experimentation, personal creation for the benefit of learning and growing in awareness of right and wrong, good and bad, undoing of karma, but, even in an intention of doing good for the whole, still at a level of personal intention and directed thought and outcome. No matter how 'good' this creation is, it was still created in a field of the idea or understanding that there was such a thing as 'bad' or 'good', and therefore on a level of duality and separation. It was still created for an idea or ideal one held rather that in the field beyond thought. Rather than perfect inaction. Rather than 'as God'.
The enlightened hold no specific thought because thought is not vibrating at a high enough vibration to pray within and create from. The level in which thought exists is a level of a limited dimension of awareness. Creating from a consciousness which exists in duality is creating from a limited state of awareness and to create from this awareness is to create from a state of limitation.
I have heard some say you have to tell God what you want, otherwise He won't be able to give it to you. This only makes sense to someone who does not know God, but who is a separate entity 'thinking about' God and who creates, or forces, from the dimension of thought, or, duality.
True Creation can only be seen and allowed into the physical through perfect inaction, and in essence is not 'creation' at all in terms of how we usually think of 'someone' creating 'something'. It is an act of non-resistance, perfect, inaction on 'our' behalf. Rather than co-creation (God is my co-pilot), there is only Creation, (one of us in the cockpit). Rather than someone saying and feeling, look what I created, they would only be able to say, look what has always been there, look what I found, look what I allowed through my loss of mental agenda and idea (mind). Look what I got out of the way of. Look what happened when I no longer wished for (forced) anything, and when I stopped resisting (doubting or judging) what was Here. It's not that mind is the enemy or anything. It can help you drive a car. It can balance a checkbook. It can make clever remarks and force change. If you think about it though, it can't do anything really life-changingly brilliantly genius though. Of course, you mind might not want you to think about it, and if you listen to what it tells you all of the time, you won't be able to think about things like that, and, again, you will be stuck in vision board creation limbo.
Inaction can also apply to the difference between talent and genius. You might start with talent, but if you get attached to being talented and 'good', 'right and wrong' you never get to genius. You end up stuck at a low level performance. Perfect inaction is what happens when you stop trying and when you stop thinking. You can trust that when you have the courage to turn off your mind, to stop thinking, to stop planning, to allow no thinking space to be present, to let go of all of your worldly goals and desires and attachments to what you want to happen, you will not end. You will not cease to exist, but what will happen is you will allow for the space for the eternal presence of who you really are. Only from this space and this awareness are we able to truly "inact".
After spending the last decade in the Los Angeles area, I was often confused when I would find myself in a 'large' energy field; one of a booming voice, powerful presence, clever quips, smiles, excitement abound~ I say I was confused because something inside of me would pick up something different than what was being projected. Often confidence gets translated as manipulating the field of energy in the room to one's advantage, or, sometimes even, speaking the loudest and therefore, the most 'confidently'. I would look at what I was seeing, feel the energy that was being projected by this person, (which I realize now was most likely created by an intention to impress, or to win friends, or, to be good, or great, or genius, to live their passion, etc. energy created by ANY intention coming from the mental realm), then feeling the energy that was not being projected on the outside, but which was truly present and hidden away on the inside that had not been worked through. It wasn't a match. It was an act. And, should one really expect anything different from a town full of actors? At later times I would be told by these people how they felt like frauds on the outside, how they were stuck, depressed, etc. etc. and I would always be surprised, and, not surprised if you know what I mean . This was an act that I bought into by the dozen, and, with an open energy empathic field, finally discovered my very effective unconscious ability to take on the hidden, negative energy that was being 'shouted over'. And, in a flow of perfect inaction grace, was led to a teacher that is helping me to stop taking on all of it. The flow is quite wonderful.... so different than any personal desire or thought, any personal wish.... to live in inaction is the thing we are all secretly desiring without knowing it is what we are.
From a higher frequency one is able to drop personal agendas and preferences, even 'positive' ones, and is no longer under the illusion that they are co-creating anything, but simply watching creations create themselves- at that point one will no longer interfere with Creation but 'inact' with it. Not interact with it, for one does not exist apart from it, but, merely inact with it. Like a canoe flowing down a swift river, the sensory illusion is that the canoe and the stream are separate, the Truth is, they are One.