And, I have to wonder, where have I been? Huddled like a creature of habit all this time in the back rows, just because it was a no brainer navigational accomplishment to drive straight ahead to the rear? One would think after the "accidentally driving through San Francisco initiation" early on in our RV travels, I would have been sufficiently confident in my 32 foot while towing a car RV driving abilities to make it through anything. But no....
I also have to wonder if this little shift in real estate has to do with the talk I gave this weekend at a women's conference via UCI's integrative medicine clinic. It was a talk on raw food, and I had been asked to give a very basic talk on the benefits of raw food on health. 'Don't mess with people's (animal) protein,' I was told. Don't bring in the environmental or ethical elements of food. Just the basics.
I wondered if it was in fact in integrity for me to leave so much of the important things out.....and after asking inside, got a strong yes to go ahead with the talk.....
It was shocking when I then found myself talking to this group about the spiritual opening that had occurred spontaneously many years ago and searching for a way of eating that supported that high energy awareness!! I honestly didn't have an intention of going there, and had really surrendered to the fact that a basic raw food talk was what would most benefit this particular group. But, what I later realized, is that the collective group had an intention all of it's own.
This was really the first time that I became so strongly aware of the power of the group to pull energy and information through me....not that it hadn't been happening. But, I hadn't been so totally aware of it in the moment. It was amazing, and liberating~ and it definitely was not huddling like a creature of habit at the back. It was full front and center. Holding nothing back. It was also a little like sitting on the edge of a small stream watching lovely birds parade on by....
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