Saturday, September 29, 2012

Asking "What Now?"..... Now

Isn’t it something that we have the infinite Source of Light Love Joy Bliss Beauty Freedom Peace within us.... 
that We Are It.... and 
because we have been taught.... 
(by those who forgot....)
to dumb down the light .... 
we actually start a quest at some point to look for all of these things in the world seemingly outside of us, seemingly separate from us.  

And whenever we do manage to get what we think will bring us that coveted quality, eventually it loses it’s power to do so, or we realize it actually isn’t what we really wanted, or it loses it's initial shebangie and the bells and whistles get a bit muffled and we ask, “What Now?”

So, instead of spending all kinds of time money effort looking outside for what we think we need to make us happy or bring us that special quality, let's remember where it actually lies, the real deal, the Source within, and, 
answer the “What Now?” question once and for all.

This Now.


No other place, no other time.
No place. No time. 


The only true Joy there will ever be.  As the Authentic Self.  As One.  As All.  

Once that question is really answered we will never need to ask “What Now?” again.                            It is always Now, always Happening, always Life.  All There Is..   No Matter What. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Born To; Juice, Joy, and Genius

Following on the last post of the should’s, can’s and born to's.....
here are some clues that you are in or moving into the ‘born to’ aspect of life.

Again, this is not about finding one thing in the world to do, but more of an open ended exploration.

When Rumi says “if you don’t do the thing he sent you to do” (see last post) the ego mind will usually look to a limited project rather than a way of being or a larger, more comprehensive, perspective.  Writing a book, learning a skill, expressing a gift; these are all nice things, but by no means what your soul is here to ‘do’, and is not the kind of thing Rumi is speaking of. These can be effects of finding your purpose, not the purpose itself.

When you do hit upon your soul purpose you will discover a few things:

One, it will have a lot of juice for you.  It will inspire you to no end and bring an inexhaustible amount of energy, since it is not coming from your ego, (the should or can aspect), but from higher dimensions of being and from the Truth of What You Are.  There will always be a sense that it is coming from ‘beyond you’, or not something that the personal self can take credit for.

Two, it will bring great joy to yourself and others. Accessing your soul purpose and sharing it with others is quite possibly the greatest joy there is, as well as being desperately needed in the world today.  The joy that comes from aligning with what you were born to do is beyond comprehension.  As a side note, it should be mentioned that there may be those who will be threatened by what you are 'born to do' if they have not yet discovered their own.  While this may cause the personality some discomfort, it can not diminish the joy of inner discovery and soul expression.

Three, it will be completely unique and unrepeatable.  Everyone has a unique genius that is not talent alone, but a way of being or expressing that is far beyond what we have come to know as normal.  It is accessing the Soul. Spiritual beingness. 

To get to the point of alignment with this level of ‘doing’ (which is really non-doing from the ego level) takes great commitment and perseverance.  It takes a great deal of inner reflection and the ability to follow the inner guidance when it comes, and it can be of tremendous value to surround oneself with others who are of like intent of deep inner discovery and expression.  

There are no special people, just those who have made special commitments to themselves to go beyond internal barriers of who and what they have been told they are.

Here’s to all of our genius' 
juicily and joyfully expressing 

in these auspicious times of 
opportunity and accelerated evolution
here on planet earth,

the adventure continues... 


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Should Do, Can Do, Born To Do

Blessings Beings of Beingness!

In these times of the Great Shift we are realizing capabilities and powers far beyond what being human has meant in the past.  Before these ways of being have been reserved for special people only, for yogis and saints, not for the average Joe. 

But, Joe, Jane, Dick, Diane.... it doesn’t matter what your name is, where you were born- if you are reading this you have either begun to activate these powers within, or you know there is much more to yourself and to life than you have been able to access.  On some level you are aware you have come to the planet to be a part of something fantastic- out of this world, while very much in this world; the next stage of human evolution. There are gifts inside of you that you have come to share with humanity; in contribution to this Great Shift in Consciousness that is now occurring.  

Whether they are healing gifts, artistic gifts, teaching, building, visioning, or a mixed bag of many gifts, there is something only you can do, in the specific way you can do it.  You are an essential piece of the Divine Puzzle Plan and as you show up in your fullness others may be able to see the image of the puzzle just a bit more clearly and see where they fit.  

This reminds me of something the mystic poet Rumi was known to have said;
“It’s as if a king has sent you to a foreign land.  You could do a hundred things, but if you don’t do the thing he sent you to do, it will be as if you did not come.”

Now the conditioned mind, or ego, can get ahold of this and make a nightmare out of it, as fear comes crashing in along with guilt that you haven't gotten it, or aren’t living to your highest ability, eghads, and all will be lost.  
Beyond that, there is a great and wonderful opportunity to trust yourself, find what really brings you alive, and bring it forth in service to joy and love and freedom to the One of Us.

A few seem to come in knowing right off the bat what they have come to give and share, while most of us navigate the territory of should’s and can’s before we get to the born to’s. 

Here are a few reasons we find ourselves doing what we do:

Because we should.  Because we think of ourselves as good people, and because our parents, or others we have been influenced by, often show us what we need to do, we learn to use our time and energy to perpetuate these beliefs and ways of life.  If you glance back at the people around you as you grew up, and see what their values were and how they lived you most often see yourself doing the same things in the same ways.  Until you start to question if these are really your values and the ways you were meant to do things.  The exception to this modeling is the rebel stance which does the opposite of what we were shown, but this can be just as limiting to our soul as unconscious modeling.   In this scenario of modeling, the should’s often become have to’s after a time, and we end up living someone else’s life instead of the profound potential We Are and have come to Be.

Because we can.  This is another good one, especially for those multi talented and intelligent folks out there.  Just because we can do something doesn’t mean it is in the best interest and of greatest service.  We can really get stuck in this one because of the positive feedback, compensation, and rationalization that we are doing so well in it, even if it isn’t a great passion, or it doesn't bring us alive the way sharing a gift of the soul does.

Because We were born to.  This is a whole other level of living and you know it when you’re in it.  It can take some deep soul searching, intent, reflection, experimenting, patience and practice to get there, but is worth it by all means.                                                                      For years I was getting messages and visions of singing, but since I had never sang ( at least not in public! ) and hated the sound of my voice, I brushed them off as odd.  Even though I was passionately asking what I was here to do!  I knew I could write, so that was a focus, but singing was so far outside of the idea of who I was I could not accept the messages.           Over time, one thing led to another, and when I was at at top spiritual venue in London sharing my original songs and poetry to an audience of a few hundred, that feeling of deep knowing came in, a deja vu kind of feeling, a deep gratifying alignment.  When one of the long time board members of this venue came over afterwards and said, “Well, you obviously know what you are here to do,” I still could not fully take it in!  It was almost too easy, too simple.  It came so naturally I didn’t have to think about it- except when the thought came in ‘I’m not a singer’.  Ei yi yi.

So, go ahead and do what you need to do.  And, if you have not ever had the sense that you were doing the thing you were born to do, (and yes, there can be more than one thing) keep going, keep discovering, keep asking, keep smiling.  The Universe can’t help but answer a sincere request of the heart and soul.  

The adventure continues.... 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Date With God

Greetings Great God/dess' of Light & Love!

When I arrived here in Nevada City I knew it was by Divine Appointment, but didn’t know with who, or when the appointment was.  Initially it felt like things were going backwards.  Parts of my practice were not as strong, I was sleeping more than I had in a long time, and it felt more like a resting time more than the next level, let’s go, feeling I initially had when arriving.
And aside from the divine appointment taking place at several locations at several times, all over the area, there has been one in particular which I'll share with you now.  

When I first met Brother Rob it was at a monthly lightworkers meeting.  I remember seeing a light over to the side of the room and being attracted to it, like a moth you could say.  Strange things started happening in the first few moments.  I took my Living Beyond Belief book out to show him, gave him my card.  Now anyone who knows me well knows this is not a typical senario for me.  I’ve actually had friends for several years who find out I’ve written and book and been shocked, asking why I hadn’t told them.  It just hadn't come up. It’s not like I was trying to hide it.  
Well, at least not consciously.
So, at that meeting I also found myself wanting to sit next to this Brother Rob. In all honesty it felt like a magnet and I sat with him there on the back row for the gathering that day.

Then another strange thing is that I left and went on without much thought about it afterwards.  I saw him the next month there and connected just a bit.  Then the next month.  
Then something happened.

A water line in my RV broke and I had to turn the water off before getting it fixed.  As divine grace would have it, I had to ask for help.  Before I always had all of the resources, everything together, doing it all myself.  But I didn’t have the resources at that moment to get out the phone book and hire someone.                                                                                               I got still and asked what needed to happen and I had a flash of a purple shirt Brother Rob  had been wearing at one of the meetings, which had an RV logo on it.  I called him and let him know what was going on and he said he’d come over and look at it.  Instead of a break in the water line it ended up being a part that had come off and it was a simple fix.  

So afterwards we were talking and he asked if my daughter and I wanted to go out to lunch.  I was sure Ariel wouldn’t take up the offer, but when I went in and asked her she said yes.  For those that know Ariel a bit, this was surprising, on the cusp of shocking.  I still remember her popping out of the RV, all ready to go and thinking, what is going on here?

We had a nice lunch and after we got back Ariel said something to the effect, Mom, why don’t you ask him out on a date?  He’s the kind of person you need to be hanging out with.  It’s not that Ariel has had pretty good discernment on these matters in the past, she’s been dead on.  It threw me a bit, though.  I told her, I don’t think Brother Rob is the kind of guy you ask out on a date.  Or goes out on dates.  

And, he wasn’t.

But, it’s 2012.  And what isn’t nailed down to a cross has pure potentiality to fly in any direction in these times and these days. Anything is possible.  

Insert any metaphorical transformational phrase you like.  Hell has frozen over. Pigs have flown.  And if these things are not happening in your life yet, they will be soon.
The first shall be last and the last shall be first.  The poles are shifting.  Everything that has been assumed and solid and fixed in the physical will prove to be fluid and flowing and flexible.  This is wonderful to realize since so much in our physical world and experience has been locking us into such limitation.  The possibilities are endless.....

This morning as we sat at my little RV table here in Nevada City, Rob (it’s hard for me to call him brother at this point), led us in a process which stirred places inside of me that hadn’t been stirred in some time.  The child at five years old who knew she was the whole of creation but had no words to share this revelation, and knew she was here for something magnificent.  Something so beautiful.  And also knew that being in that space of remembering was the key to 'doing' it.  It was so challenging then, because no one was talking about anything like what she was experiencing. 
But, forty one years later people are talking about these things, and even more, experiencing them.  
It's time.

What I shared in Living Beyond Belief, still applies and I’ve been asked many times when the next book is coming out.  The more I get to know him, the more Rob is blowing the mind and heart and fits well into the theme.  A perfect fit.  We are playing in the field of the synergy and dynamics of the highest potential of the masculine / feminine energy in these times on the planet, as well as being called to ‘Bring It Forth’ in various dimensions, capacities, and forms- stay tuned for much more to follow.
You’ll hear a lot more as time goes on, no doubt, about Brother Rob as well.  
You won't be disappointed.

The adventure continues.... 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

God/dess in the Flesh

Blessings Beauties of Brilliant Unbounded Being~ness!

It’s been a little while since last writing.  Please forgive the length of this entry (as usual!), these pieces are not written within the framework of blog marketing sales sound bites. I went to a few of those workshops, and even tried some of the tips here and there, but in the end it didn't resonate so I threw it all out.   If you have the time and inclination, read on.  

Last week there was quite an experience.  It wasn’t so much of a dramatic experience on the outside, although some might see it as such,  it was much more about the inner experience and the insights which followed.

A friend and I, a friend whom I am dating, for clarity’s sake, went out for a hike and to spend some time at the river last week.  There are several different places to hike along the river, and several places to enter it, and all of them attract the clothing optional crowd once you get a bit past the initial point of entry.  So, on this particular day, we found a spot, put our blanket out, went for a great hike, then came back and joined others in the water, sans clothes, who were also swimming and sunbathing in the buff.  

I have to say, ‘au natural’ was not always a natural way of being for me.  Or, let me say it this way.  The first time I went to a clothing optional beach it was in France in 98 and it took just about everything in me to move beyond the voices in my head.  At that time in my life I had recently experienced a huge spiritual breakthrough and was committed to living in freedom rather than fear.  Anything that brought up fear, I was committed to breaking through, and going without clothes (in front of other people on a beach for goodness sakes!) was one of the bigger ones it turned out.  

There were two surprises that first time.  One was just how ruthless and cruel the inner voices were in regards to nude sunbathing.  “Slut, whore, who do you think you are?”  I felt my mother, grandmother, teachers, friends.  And just before the breakthrough, just about everyone on the planet!  I felt shame. Embarrassment. Humiliation. It was unbelievable as I witnessed all of this mental baggage passing through the mind, and it took about a half hour to work myself up to finally getting the clothes off.  

Surprise number two was how natural and easy and liberating it was on the other side.  I felt like I had been born in the wrong country or something.  It was so obvious this was the way the human form was meant to be in out the sun.  The flowers and trees and sand, everything is naked in the sun.  Covering up and hiding the body was an ego issue, a cultural brainwashing, and a way to keep us all feeling ashamed about a part or dimension of ourselves.  Not that it’s not practical at work or out and about in your day doing errands.  No need to go overboard with it, or to jail. But for swimming and sunning, it felt to be a no brainer.

I also remember that day, seeing other Americans in town ( it was during the world cup and the US team was playing on the west coast of France the next day), not knowing how to act around nude bodies. One guy sat on the back wall of the beach looking through a camera with a high end telephoto lens, can we say ‘inapproprate’ boys and girls?  And the guy I was with just stared and gaped until I brought it to his attention this could be considered rude.  I overheard threats of divorce from some married women in our group to their husbands if they caught them down on the beach.  
But what can we expect when one lives in a society which has been manipulated through advertising and other means to equate the naked human body with lust and sex only?  And to then react that way?
With the arts, and the heart, just about out of the picture in many institutions, there is no room for the body as just the body.  As an expression of individual form.  As a work of art in itself.  The manipulative use of body in suggestive advertising, and messages of sinful human natures and flesh, create repressed, immature, scared, ashamed beings--  living in separation from Life-- which is great for the business of psychoanalysis and pharmaceuticals, great for institutions and groups claiming to hold the ultimate truth of what a sin is, and providing protection and promise of heaven if you follow the rules-- but maybe not so great for psychological health and balance, and the ability to live in the New Heaven, New Earth.  In New Heaven New Earth we are not born of sin, cowering and hiding and shamed, we are not cast out of the garden, we are God in the flesh.  Literally in some cases.  More on this in a bit.

My friend and I got out of the river, and were laying out in the sun, having a really good conversation when all of the sudden a young man and woman walked up to where we were laying out,  identified themselves as camp leaders and asked if we would please move since they had a group of kids with them and didn’t want to expose them to ‘nudists’, or to those who practice this ‘lifestyle’, or, I can’t remember how else it was termed.  

I remember thinking, wow, I didn’t know I was a nudist-- I had never gotten that far with it.  It was initially an experiment to overcome fear, and then a feeling of
internal rightness; organic and natural.  I had never considered it had to be an identity.  No wonder people don’t like to think or get out of the box too much.  Not only can it be uncomfortable, but you are granted new identities, and all that come with those projections.

If the camp group had gotten there a half hour or so before they would have been met with several ‘nudists’, including two girls about eight years old.  As it was, we were the only ones around at the moment.  My companion, not the average bear to say the least, asked why they couldn’t go a bit further up the river.
The response was, there were more like us that way.  
He then asked if it was fair that we were the ones who had to move.
At this point they explained this was the place they always came and they were familiar with the spot.

Then my friend had a brilliant solution. (we're really liking this one;). 
Let’s flip for it, he said.  If it’s heads we go, tails we stay.  We’ll leave it up to the universe.
“Leave it up to the universe”, the young woman repeated slowly as if she was trying to fully take in and figure out just what was happening.  

And, wouldn’t you know, it was tails.  

I found it fascinating as to what was going on inside of me as all of this was playing out.  In the past I would have been overwhelmingly self conscious talking to people, standing over me, about  ten or fifteen feet away, fully clothed while my bare white hiney was saluting the blue sky.  I would probably have been consumed with the guilt of keeping the children from ‘their’ river, and I might have asked my companion to be ‘reasonable’, or ‘nice’, and to just pack it up.  I started to realize that I couldn’t have handled someone like this in my life before.  Someone way too much like me in many ways.  Eghads, who wants that kind of a mirror hanging around? Where is the control switch?

On this day it was fascinating to see the reactions of the different people.  The young woman started to really reflect on if it was in fact fair to ask us to leave, and even defended us when another adult standing with the children started to get triggered and a bit vocal in his opinion of the situation, and of us.  The young man didn’t seem to have a whole lot to say after the coin was flipped.  Maybe a few switches were being flipped within him.

We ended up staying about fifteen minutes, maybe twenty, enough for the energy to shift and for everyone present to have some nice inner inquiry time

About half way through a man walked near us to the side, then climbed up the rocks to the trail above, wearing only a backpack, just to accentuate the point this was not a ‘family area’, as some areas at the river certainly are.  They never had much of a case, really, but it can be so tempting to jump up and cover up as soon as the old paradigm and expectations impinge upon us.

The whole incident caused me to reflect, at this time, where in my life am I living from expectations of others rather than being true to myself?  What are my truest values and are there any ways they are being compromised because of fear of the judgment or reaction of others?  What lines have been drawn in the proverbial sand by outer influences that need to be crossed in service to my deeper purpose and reason for being on the planet at this time, and by extension to the One of Us?  

A week later I am still sitting with these questions and things are percolating.  In the garden of Eden it was Paradise until self consciousness- ego- a consciousness of separation from God - came into the picture and caused shame, embarrassment and ego consciousness.  Are there any parts of yourself that you have been taught to be ashamed of?  And, if so, how to change that program in a meaningful and respectful way- embarking even further on a sincere exploration of what it means to be true to oneself?  And by extension, to live in the New Heaven New Earth Paradigm.

And then another tangent emerged. It started coming to ask, again, what does that even mean: to live in the New Heaven New Earth?  In this question I  was taken to a Bible quote, Matthew 5:18 "Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled"

Hm, what the heck does that mean? The phrase, ' till heaven and earth pass ' -- that one jumped out.  Till heaven AND earth pass.  In Reality there is no Heaven AND Earth.  There is no spirit AND form, there is no separation.  There is only One.  And until this state of separation which exists in the mind, passes, we are subject to live out the experience of the law, of cause and effect, be subject to the law of karma, rather than in the fulfillment of Grace.  Until we experientially know, until we wake up from the illusion of separation and see there is no separation between Heaven and Earth, that there is truly only One, manifest throughout creation, and we still imagine another power outside of this, we will be subject to law rather than Grace.

At least, that's what I got.

"Have I not told you, ye are God".  This was always, to me, one of the most fascinating statements in that old book.  

According to this One we are God in the Flesh, and nothing less.

So it stands to reason that with Earth as the New Heaven, you don't have to judge, label as sinful, give up or transcend your human nature to enter into a state of divinity. Can we take a look around and see what a mess that creates on the planet?  In fact, you have to fully embrace and embody all aspects and dimensions of Self, i.e. Life.  Even the so called mess, to see that, truly, there isn't actually one.  What if, in these times, your job is not to transcend the flesh, but to totally and completely take on being God in the flesh. Goddess in the Flesh- Universal Intelligence fully expressing in Form- however it speaks to you.  
And, even beyond that, God As Flesh. Goddess As Flesh.  
Or, just God/dess
Or, just Flesh.  
Whatever you want to name It, It doesn't care.  Really.  You don't have to know it as a particular name.  You can call It anything you want when you truly know It.  Even It.

So in conclusion here, while any mind is free to project whatever label it wants onto me, nudist just doesn't do it.  
Not big enough, juicy enough, true enough.
I think we'll go for God/dess in the flesh.  That one we can Live with.  Truly.
Hope you all can too ;)

And, knowing you are having a wonderful summer!!

Here’s to disrobing and uncovering the Sacred, the Beautiful, the Real and True,
however that manifests authentically as You, in service to New and True Earth Living!

In the Flesh,


Friday, June 1, 2012

Venus~ Yeah Baby She's Got It!

Blessings Beingness Of Light & Love,
or I should say Beauty & Love in honor of Venus and the coming transit.

You may be receiving various information in emails, circulating through the internet and facebook, on the coming Venus Transit June 5th.  It is a predictable astrological occurrence which happens more than a hundred years apart, the next one occurring in December of 2117.  What is not always mentioned is there was a previous Venus transit eight years ago, since the transit happens in eight year cycles.  Something else not mentioned in many articles is that this particular Venus transit is known to be one of the astrological hallmarks of this coming shift of 2012 in relation to the return of the feminine.  The actual transit happens for about ten hours on June 5th, starting at 3:09 Pacific time and going until about 10:09pm.

The last Venus Transit occurred in 2004 of June.  I hadn’t been big into astrology, but for some reason the information on the Venus Transit kept finding it’s way to me and something about it resonated very deeply.  There had been some Venus synchronicity going on for years, but right before the transit it was heightened, including a blister in the shape of a crescent moon forming on the bottom of my foot after a firewalk.  (That’s a whole other story- some other time!!)

There were many signs and initiations that came my way before that day in June, and when I found out that my spiritual family, Agape, who I was traveling with to Italy would be on the top of Mt. Subasio (which St. Francis of Assisi was known to climb every day) during the transit, I emailed Rev. Michael letting him know of our itinerary and the transit, and sharing that a vision of an altar was coming to me.  The response was, “bring whatever you think we’ll need,” 

I gathered a few things from the house, including black sand from Hawaii, which one is never supposed to take, but something I was clearly guided, and asked, over and over to take with me for some future need.  After checking in with Pele many many times, I had in fact taken it, and it was one of the things, along with  a few crystals and a small Venus statue I had gotten from Athens, that was “needed”. 

Everyone had been asked to bring an item for the altar.  We started the walk up the mountain which took a good hour, or maybe two.  We then explored the dwelling place of St. Francis and meandered our way as a smaller group now to a place to set up an altar.  At the end of one of the dirt roads was the place we were meant to be.  It had several rows of wooden benches formed in a semi-circle facing a concrete raised altar!  The altar was set back inside of a small covered space with, from what I remember, the mother mary in stained glass on the rear wall.  It was ideal, and I thanked the Mother for leading us there, and for the opportunity to serve in this way.  On the floor of the altar setup I was guided to take the black sand and make a symbol of Venus, the planet, with the circle on top and cross connected on the bottom. 

We set up other parts of the altar and then I stood in front of everyone and have absolutely no idea what was said, other than something about the Venus transit signaling a time of increased communication and the activation of the divine feminine.

At a certain point the words stopped, and I remember just standing there, almost not knowing where I was or what was going on.  Gratefully, Michael Beckwith got up at that point, stood next to me, took my hand and said a few words as well, and then closed our gathering in prayer. 

I remember talking with a few friends afterwards saying I felt a bit silly, feeling like I had just rambled on and on, having no idea what I was saying.  In fact, no one could remember what was said either, but said that what was specifically shared was irrelevant, that the energy was present and that’s what mattered to them. This still didn’t set well at that time, honestly, and in hindsight it seems the ego was a bit attached to saying something relevant, or wise, or, just, something intelligible perhaps.
In the days that followed, as we neared the end of our trip, several people, all women as I remember, shared with me that what we did on the top of that hill at the time of the transit was the most powerful and meaningful part of the trip for them. 

To put this in perspective a relatively small audience with the Dalai Lama was a part of this trip.

To put this into perspective, the Dalai Lama is on record saying the western woman would save the world. 


The other day I heard a talk at an annual picnic at a retreat center near the coast of Northern California.  The man was a Mesoamerican. He spoke of many things which resonated so deeply, including the role of women as guides, and how that role will continue to increase.  That it will be the women who will bring things back into harmony. (there's a theme here). He also shared that the imbalance in nature is due to the fact that we take without giving back.  Whenever anything is taken from the Mother, something must be given back, and even before that, permission must be asked first before taking.  Many of us have remembered, and are remembering at ever increasing speeds, that it is only our lost ability to see, hear, know Her that we imagine that we exist on dead matter, and can then do whatever we feel like to Her without something being returned.

If any of the above is speaking to you, enchanting you, enlivening you, quickening you- it feels that you are being initiated by Venus.  If none of this is making much sense, you are invited to read the Living Beyond Belief book, even though it doesn’t contain the context of living with the Earth Mother as the coming book does, it is a sharing of insight, story, and poem as a guide to living in greater flow and faith and less and less ego control.  If you do in fact know what I’m talking about and have been feeling so called, get ready for a significant jump in your unique work and spiritual connection.  If you honored the last Venus Transit in ceremony and have been connected with Her energy for many years, hang on to your hats, it is now your time.  That is what is coming over and over.  It’s Goddess Time.  Yeah, baby, She’s Got It, and, if you are bold enough to receive, to allow, Yeah baby, You’ve/We’ve Got It too.

If you are in male form and are resonating deeply with the above and living from/in Divine Beauty and Love, you are graciously thanked, and asked to support these women further in their Venus Rising, as I’m sure you are already doing naturally as you continue in your greatly needed service in these times.

May we all hear the call of the Mother and be immersed in Her Beauty,

May we remember that we are One with the Mother in physical form in this Divine Earth Walk,
that it is not a curse but a sacred and divine opportunity to be here in these most auspicious times!!
In times past, it may have been we were trying to escape the wheel of incarnation, and, so, many of us have~
and have returned to play our part in the great shift.

In divine love & sacred beauty,
