Blessings Beings of Beingness!
In these times of the Great Shift we are realizing capabilities and powers far beyond what being human has meant in the past. Before these ways of being have been reserved for special people only, for yogis and saints, not for the average Joe.
But, Joe, Jane, Dick, Diane.... it doesn’t matter what your name is, where you were born- if you are reading this you have either begun to activate these powers within, or you know there is much more to yourself and to life than you have been able to access. On some level you are aware you have come to the planet to be a part of something fantastic- out of this world, while very much in this world; the next stage of human evolution. There are gifts inside of you that you have come to share with humanity; in contribution to this Great Shift in Consciousness that is now occurring.
Whether they are healing gifts, artistic gifts, teaching, building, visioning, or a mixed bag of many gifts, there is something only you can do, in the specific way you can do it. You are an essential piece of the Divine Puzzle Plan and as you show up in your fullness others may be able to see the image of the puzzle just a bit more clearly and see where they fit.
This reminds me of something the mystic poet Rumi was known to have said;
“It’s as if a king has sent you to a foreign land. You could do a hundred things, but if you don’t do the thing he sent you to do, it will be as if you did not come.”
Now the conditioned mind, or ego, can get ahold of this and make a nightmare out of it, as fear comes crashing in along with guilt that you haven't gotten it, or aren’t living to your highest ability, eghads, and all will be lost.
Beyond that, there is a great and wonderful opportunity to trust yourself, find what really brings you alive, and bring it forth in service to joy and love and freedom to the One of Us.
A few seem to come in knowing right off the bat what they have come to give and share, while most of us navigate the territory of should’s and can’s before we get to the born to’s.
Here are a few reasons we find ourselves doing what we do:
Because we should. Because we think of ourselves as good people, and because our parents, or others we have been influenced by, often show us what we need to do, we learn to use our time and energy to perpetuate these beliefs and ways of life. If you glance back at the people around you as you grew up, and see what their values were and how they lived you most often see yourself doing the same things in the same ways. Until you start to question if these are really your values and the ways you were meant to do things. The exception to this modeling is the rebel stance which does the opposite of what we were shown, but this can be just as limiting to our soul as unconscious modeling. In this scenario of modeling, the should’s often become have to’s after a time, and we end up living someone else’s life instead of the profound potential We Are and have come to Be.
Because we can. This is another good one, especially for those multi talented and intelligent folks out there. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean it is in the best interest and of greatest service. We can really get stuck in this one because of the positive feedback, compensation, and rationalization that we are doing so well in it, even if it isn’t a great passion, or it doesn't bring us alive the way sharing a gift of the soul does.
Because We were born to. This is a whole other level of living and you know it when you’re in it. It can take some deep soul searching, intent, reflection, experimenting, patience and practice to get there, but is worth it by all means. For years I was getting messages and visions of singing, but since I had never sang ( at least not in public! ) and hated the sound of my voice, I brushed them off as odd. Even though I was passionately asking what I was here to do! I knew I could write, so that was a focus, but singing was so far outside of the idea of who I was I could not accept the messages. Over time, one thing led to another, and when I was at at top spiritual venue in London sharing my original songs and poetry to an audience of a few hundred, that feeling of deep knowing came in, a deja vu kind of feeling, a deep gratifying alignment. When one of the long time board members of this venue came over afterwards and said, “Well, you obviously know what you are here to do,” I still could not fully take it in! It was almost too easy, too simple. It came so naturally I didn’t have to think about it- except when the thought came in ‘I’m not a singer’. Ei yi yi.
So, go ahead and do what you need to do. And, if you have not ever had the sense that you were doing the thing you were born to do, (and yes, there can be more than one thing) keep going, keep discovering, keep asking, keep smiling. The Universe can’t help but answer a sincere request of the heart and soul.
The adventure continues....
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