Saturday, September 8, 2012

Born To; Juice, Joy, and Genius

Following on the last post of the should’s, can’s and born to's.....
here are some clues that you are in or moving into the ‘born to’ aspect of life.

Again, this is not about finding one thing in the world to do, but more of an open ended exploration.

When Rumi says “if you don’t do the thing he sent you to do” (see last post) the ego mind will usually look to a limited project rather than a way of being or a larger, more comprehensive, perspective.  Writing a book, learning a skill, expressing a gift; these are all nice things, but by no means what your soul is here to ‘do’, and is not the kind of thing Rumi is speaking of. These can be effects of finding your purpose, not the purpose itself.

When you do hit upon your soul purpose you will discover a few things:

One, it will have a lot of juice for you.  It will inspire you to no end and bring an inexhaustible amount of energy, since it is not coming from your ego, (the should or can aspect), but from higher dimensions of being and from the Truth of What You Are.  There will always be a sense that it is coming from ‘beyond you’, or not something that the personal self can take credit for.

Two, it will bring great joy to yourself and others. Accessing your soul purpose and sharing it with others is quite possibly the greatest joy there is, as well as being desperately needed in the world today.  The joy that comes from aligning with what you were born to do is beyond comprehension.  As a side note, it should be mentioned that there may be those who will be threatened by what you are 'born to do' if they have not yet discovered their own.  While this may cause the personality some discomfort, it can not diminish the joy of inner discovery and soul expression.

Three, it will be completely unique and unrepeatable.  Everyone has a unique genius that is not talent alone, but a way of being or expressing that is far beyond what we have come to know as normal.  It is accessing the Soul. Spiritual beingness. 

To get to the point of alignment with this level of ‘doing’ (which is really non-doing from the ego level) takes great commitment and perseverance.  It takes a great deal of inner reflection and the ability to follow the inner guidance when it comes, and it can be of tremendous value to surround oneself with others who are of like intent of deep inner discovery and expression.  

There are no special people, just those who have made special commitments to themselves to go beyond internal barriers of who and what they have been told they are.

Here’s to all of our genius' 
juicily and joyfully expressing 

in these auspicious times of 
opportunity and accelerated evolution
here on planet earth,

the adventure continues... 


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