Friday, June 21, 2013

A Choice in the Matter; You Love Child You

Are You a Love Child?

A personal question, I know, but for our purposes let’s just cut to the chase:
Yes, You Are.

Good news, huh!!

What? You say you’re not? Definitely not!
You say you’ve done years of therapy and why did I have to go and bring it up?  

Even though Webster defines a ‘love child’ as a child born out of wedlock, that book can be just a bit behind the times. (Not the only book behind the times, erugh, ughm.) 

But really, when it comes down to it, does it really matter whether you were a child born out of wedlock, into a healthy and happy one, or, one that ended up “unlocking”?  Or, does it matter much more that as a human being you possess something that allows you to forge, shape, manifest, and allow a brilliant life experience regardless of any outer factors?
What is this magical, mystical, liberating, life enhancing special something you ask?! 


Ah!  And what a something it is!!  
Think about it. We are free to choose our attitude, our focus, our beliefs, our response.... you are even free to believe you have a choice.  Or not!
Choosing by default is still a choice. ( I know, I know, ‘not fair’. )
Refusing to believe you have a choice, is, in fact, a choice. 

But, then again in another sense, paradoxically, you don’t really, truly have a choice until you become aware that you do. You can really only choose if you are aware that you have a choice!

And then, to go a bit further down the paradoxical rabbit hole, in Reality, You just Are. Everything is in Divine Flow. Choice is an illusion.
But here, we digress.
Or, possibly, progress.

In any case...
Within the human experience you are totally free to condemn, judge, complain, blame and beat yourself and others down.  You are also totally free to forgive, compliment, focus on solutions, and lift yourself and others up.

Some of the most important moments (which come again and again) in a human being’s life is when they realize they actually have a choice in the matter.  

A choice in the matter!  We actually have a choice, in, and as, the matter.

We can choose to see Heaven in (and as) any matter.  In ANY matter. In matter itself.  In any circumstance or situation we can choose to see Heaven, feel Heaven, and even Be Heaven.  

We really can just as easily create the experience of heaven as we can of hell.  
Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  Nutty buddy, really.  Why on Earth would we continue to create hell if we had a choice in the matter???
Ah ha.  “If we had a choice in the matter.”  
Maaaaybe the only thing that stands in the way of Heaven manifesting on the Earth plane is our lack of awareness of the true power of choice.

Because even though much of the planets Love Children's thoughts and perceptions appear to be set on ‘hell default’, we can choose to shift our view to Heaven. 
Right now, in this moment, if you are reading this, you have the capacity to focus on Heaven. So, go ahead.  Get your Heaven on.
Wait a minute, did I see you just look up?  Oh no, no- not up there!!  Ei yiyi!

Isn’t this really where the whole problem began?  This separation thing? 
As they say, location is everything. 
We’ve been taught that Heaven is “up there”, which by default makes Earth “down here”.  (Waaay down here, if you know what I mean.)  

So, as soon as we choose to accept that world view, don’t we automatically separate earth from heaven?  Two things.  Different.  Over there.  Over here.  Heaven.  Earth.  And by that polarized default, don’t we usually, since our location is ‘down here’, ‘down below’, have the tendency to create some version of "down here", i.e. hell?  Maybe just a mini hell at this point in the game.  Bity, bity hell.  Or, at the very least a tired existence. You know, fine.  I’m fine.  Limbo.  Until I’m not.  Or better yet, purgatory.  A whole lotta hell as preparation for some heaven, perhaps? 

Oh Love Child, for this purpose were we born?

Why not, just for today, all day if we're daring enough, remember who we are and where we are:   Love Children living in Heaven.

If we so choose.

And if you’re tempted to look up when thinking of Heaven, practice holding your head in place.  Have someone else hold it for you. Get a neck brace. It might take some doing to break the habit. Practice looking straight ahead and seeing Heaven is Here.  Now. 
(And, just for the fun of it, since we know that God is in Heaven, why don’t we remember who that person in front of us really is?

As a final note: if you are basking in the awareness of What You Really Are, beyond separation, beyond illusion, well now, you don’t have to choose something when you realize you Are It.  In that space choice no longer applies.  Carry on. 
And, if that doesn’t make sense, don’t worry about it.  In fact, let's practice not worrying about anything.

Go getum you Love Child You

Happy Solstice!!


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