And, a page with some wildly fabulous Pure Divinity lyrics:
Now, on to the New Equation:
The other night I was watching a quantum physicist lecture and realized why I could never really get into my science classes when I was young, even though I loved the premise of scientific study and experiments.
I intuitively knew something was 'off base', even at a very young age, and from what this and other scientists are now saying I understand why. In more advanced physics when the equation doesn't add up, you can just tweak outer variables until it does. WHAT????!!!!
I mean, think about that.
Because of certain assumptions (if you can't see it with your physical senses, it must not exist) we have been measuring and studying the world around us, putting equations before reality. If the equation doesn’t add up, it's reality that must be wrong. Imagine how far off course this has taken us!! (Actually, you don’t have to use your imagination, just turn on the news.)
There is no difference between the new science that is emerging on all levels and the new 'us' that is awakening. The old labels, misconceptions, and limitations will eventually be clumped in with such notions as "the earth is flat". At least we ‘became’ 3D in that discovery, but now humanity is ‘going quantum’.
Pure Divinity Here We Are.
This is not about thinking or labeling ourselves as “spiritual”, but clearly seeing what we have been told is true, and have mostly experienced as true, up to now, simply isn’t. It is not about ‘us’ making or creating a new world. It is just What Is, that we are now realizing and participating in. Just like we once realized the Earth was round and not flat, we are moving away from the “only human” reality, and realizing entirely new dimensions of ourselves. Just like we realized that the Earth was not the center of the Universe, we are shifting from egocentricity to Divine-centricity = Divinity. Pure Divinity. It’s pretty simple, really. We just got the math wrong.
For those of you who have read the book or followed these posts, know the following 'story', so "bear with".
On a personal level, many years ago I was living an 'average' life. I was carrying a hundred extra pounds (hereditary you know), smoked and drank to alleviate the anxiety, and for the most part was not having a grand time of it all. Then 'something' happened. It was like waking up from a dream (or, like waking up from a limited state of consciousness that had been created using faulty equations).
Who we are is too big to fit into the small equations. It will never work out. Humanity will never work on this planet until we realize What We Really Are and begin to operate in the new equations. In this 'new' reality I was not a lazy, overweight, dumb, bored, and anxious person-- Holy Cow, I was Life Itself. Love. Pure Divinity!! I felt like I had lost my mind, and in a way I had. But, as it turned out, it was the kind of crazy that makes you sane.
After that moment nothing was ever the same. The weight began to fall off, the drinking and smoking fell away after a time, and life became what it had always been, I had just 'forgotten' what it was: A tremendous gift, an opportunity to love, share and serve, and, a miraculous adventure!
In the course of events my daughter came out of school, to learn at home, and I went back into school and earned a Master's in the emerging field of Spiritual Psychology. During that program I wrote a book to share some of what was happening and how life looked from this other vantage point (Living Beyond Belief) and began to work with a voice coach to 'heal my relationship with my voice'.
What came next truly shocked me. I was told I could sing.
What?! Suddenly all of those elementary school and teenage angst poetry writing days came back to me and songs started to flow through. Only this time the poems and lyrics weren’t about being lost and confused and filled with angst. They were about Reality, and about the Beauty, Light and Love that We Really Are, about trusting and knowing it is all unfolding in perfect order, and seeing the beauty in everything.
For someone who never intended to sing, once the music started coming, I couldn't stop it! It has forced me to come out of my once very small and very tight shell. I have played in many venues and feel so grateful to be able to bring forth music that touches the heart and soul so deeply. It often moves people to tears, and although several of the songs on this CD are versions that are moving and shaking rhythm wise, it carries through the message and mood of the songs beautifully!
Please click the link at the top of the post if you did and watch the video. I would be so very grateful for your support in whatever way you feel moved to!
It so happened I was able to do a great amount of travel and connect with kindred spirits all over the world, as well as attend many alternative healing classes and practice in many capacities over the years. There are several standing invitations and I intend to bring the music, and the poetry and inspiration, to the far corners of the Earth, wherever She will have me. Recently we received initial 501(c)3 approval for a non-profit to benefit those intending to transform from caterpillar consciousness into their butterfly being, in physical prison, and beyond. Please stay in touch or contact us through to find your place of participation. All proceeds of this CD will go to the non-profit! By contributing to the music and CD you will be bringing forth more light and love into the world! And, getting some great music to listen to as well!! What a Divine Deal ;)
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