Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sharing Your Voice with the World

In 2001, a day before September 11th, I found myself in a room with Anthony Robbins’ voice coach, Edwin Coppard. As the entire world was about to be rocked by the events the following day, a shake up and wake up came in a different form for me that day.  We were on the Big Island of Hawaii, and even though a liberating soul shift had occurred in my life experience some years before, positively affecting all of the circumstances in my life profoundly, there were some severe judgments of ‘my voice’ that were surfacing, and I was guided to book a personal session with Edwin, with the intention and hopes of moving past them.
We did some basic toning, him asking me to let go and allow the sound to come through.  And it did.  God, it was so ‘loud’! Weird! Embarrassing!  

“Wow”, he remarked.  “You really have a voice.  You could be a singer.  If you wanted to.”  

As he said this he excused himself to get something in the other room.  I sat there and let the words sink in of what he had just said.  I felt anger rising.  How could he joke with me like that?  He’s supposed to be a professional!  Edwin does have quite a bit of a trickster in him, always joking.  But this wasn’t funny.  How could he be so mean??!
As he walked back into the room I scanned his face and didn’t see any trace of the comedian, and I realized he wasn’t joking. I then remember feeling totally confused.  What he had said was so far out of the realm of my reality I had no way to take it in.  We continued on with the session and as I walked back to my room afterwards I remember seeing colors I had never seen before. Smells and sounds too. The whole world looked completely different.  Looking back, I had been initiated into an entirely different world of possibilities.

I had written poetry since I was very young and had been acknowledged and even asked to stand in front of the class and read a few.  This happened both in second grade and in seventh, and was a nightmare experience both times for someone so shy and introverted.  There was another time a teacher read one of my essays out loud to another class without my knowledge.  It seems these acknowledgments, leading to greater visibility, stopped me from writing through my later teens and twenties, which in hindsight was a great loss, since the writing itself was a primary way for me to connect with Source. God. The Great Mystery.  I used to wonder “where” the poems came from.  They just seemed to appear out of no where.  I can remember back in second grade writing them and then going to the over-sized dictionary in my parents bedroom to see what some of the words meant.  This is still the kind of process that happens today with poems, with much of the writing, and with music.  At times I’ll start singing a song and at a certain point realize it’s not a song I’ve heard before.  Sometimes they come while I’m practicing guitar.  They’ll just ‘be there’ all of the sudden.  It is such a magical and deeply engaging experience.

But, on other levels, it’s been anything but a magical experience.  When I first put the Living Beyond Belief book out there, and started sharing the songs, a LOT came up to heal and move beyond.  The ‘gift’ felt like a curse.  I started having graphic nightmares of being stoned and burned at the stake.  It was during a session with an energy healer who had an excellent reputation, as well as a high end charge, that I hit another level of seeing just how significant all this was to move through.  He scanned the energy centers and when he got to the throat I started to feel like I couldn’t breath, and let out a little cough.  Then he let out a little cough.  My throat tightened, and I coughed again.  Then he did.  It was a bit funny at first, because it kept happening, but it continued to get more and more intense until both of us were coughing and ‘gagging’, unable to stop.  I can still see him on the other side of the room bent over and holding his throat, getting tissues to clear out what was coming up.  Holy Cow!  After at least ten minutes we both started to get our breath back and he walked over to finish the session.  With out any emotion or fanfare he said, “Your voice has tremendous power, it always has, and it has always gotten you in trouble.” 
Oookay. So, what do you do with that kind of information exactly??  Well, if you don’t move beyond it, or let it out, share it, you get sick.  You get stuck.  You feel like hell.  So, it becomes the choice-less choice. And, when people say, wow, you are so lucky and so blessed,  you sometimes honestly want to say, yeah, well, you should be so blessed.  But, you don’t of course.  Because it is a gift.  It is a joy.  There just might be quite a bit to move through in order to deliver it fully, and joy-fully.  

In these times, and especially if you have read this far,  you are most likely here to ‘share your voice’ or ‘sing your song’, however that may play out in your own life.  It doesn’t have to be public speaking, or writing, or singing, it could simply be saying what is on your heart with those in your life, being an example of integrity and authenticity.  It could be taking that next step that your soul is guiding you to take.  And, you never know, you might just end up singing, recording, and/or speaking.  You might not even be aware of it yet, just like I wasn’t  back then!  You also might have been sharing your gift, your unique voice, for some time, but are moving into new levels of visibility or depth and having more come up to be released in the process!  A lot of us are shocked to discover what’s inside when we open up to the ‘largeness’ of what we are.  There is infinite Beauty and Light to be revealed.  And at times there might seem to be infinite gunk!  But wherever you are in the process, keep going!  It's why You have come to this planet which is now in such great transition.  You, Your Voice, We, were made for these times! 
In the case of you wanting to open more fully to the songs of your soul you can see what Edwin is up to these days at . You don’t have to have any intention of being a singer/ songwriter to work with him, most people who attend the retreats don’t- but you do have to be prepared for some pretty wicked English humor.  ;)    In the case that your next step is recording of any kind and you need a full service studio, check out Brad Swanson’s great work at  He is simply wonderful to work with! 

I have to say though, my favorite ‘studio’ is still out in Nature.  For years now the work with my voice has journeyed from singing and songwriting (although I still love to work within this medium as well!) to toning and singing in Nature (and watching Her respond-- magical indeed!!)  Also within groups of people, shifting the energetic frequency, clearing the space, and bringing light to the illusion of darkness; in body, mind and spirit.  What happens in these settings at times still still blows me away- the Grace that occurs for, and as, Us!  Beyond Belief!! It is interesting that things seemed to have slowed down to a crawl in the way of teaching and doing events (Mother Nature has been the primary audience as of late), and the mind can go to all kinds of places with that, but the frequencies keep expanding, there is no doubt about that, and more projects are revealing themselves. So, I guess, all we can say is Stay Tuned.

And, speaking of projects, the Pure Divinity indiegogo is still a go going!  Thank you SO much for your love and support in the many forms it has come in!  I will share that I have received an interesting reflection, with one of the main comments being, ‘let me know when the CD comes out- it sounds beautiful- I’d love to buy it!’, or, ‘when does the campaign end?’   As a practice of looking at the reflections in my life, I became curious as to where I am putting things in the 'I'll do that later' category.  One was getting back in shape. I take a lot of walks, but started doing power yoga just about every day, getting back in the swing of living raw, and if I survive, I'll be here to share the voice, music and all that with a happier body. ;)   And, just to clarify, you can actually go right now to   and click on one of the boxes to the right to ‘pre-order’ the CD (the price includes shipping and handling, and will most likely be more after it officially comes out). You can pre-order a Digital Download before it is officially released for $11.  Or a single song for $3!  

The response from those who have heard the full CD has been extremely positive-- saying they found their “new favorite song” - this actually happened in Copacabana, Bolivia last Winter when we shared it with a restaurant owner who was moved to tears by a song and played it throughout the day on his loud speakers on to the main street!  That was a surprise!  The not fully mixed and mastered CD  has only been shared with a few people and one reported back he listened to it “over twenty times” and sees it doing extremely well once it’s out.  So, even though working with the songs in this way (i.e. recording in a studio) is not my personal favorite, the feedback has been encouraging to continue on.  To know that someone can be moved and inspired over and over again by listening, and that I can play a part in bringing this type of healing music/consciousness into the world is very humbling and fulfilling.  It even makes all that time in the studio, all of the money spent, and all of the former nightmares and gagging sessions worth it! There is nothing like the feeling of knowing you are doing what you were meant to do.  For me this is one of them. Another one for me is holding the space, and guiding and assisting others in discovering their unique voice /gift. (more on that soon!)  And in essence that is what the Great Work is about.  Bringing Forth Our True and Authentic Gifts to the World.  They are so needed at this time!  Blessings to Your True Voice, Blessed Gifts, and Soul Purpose in these times of great opportunity for radical change and core healing:
 i.e. Awakening to, Realizing, and Being; Heaven On Mother Earth.
And So It Is xo

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